Why search one annual report when you can search from over 130,000 main financials from the last 10 years of reporting.
As we move into 2019 PortAlchemy has already tagged the main financials for many companies and is starting to incorporate XBRL technology into OnePort.
Use history to help predict the future. OnePort will save you and your team time acquiring information from annual reports of interest and the assurance of not missing essential data that could get left behind with manual collection.
This comprehensive approach allows accurate trend and anomalies assessment that can influence investment decisions and show concerns across sectors, peer groups and years.
With OnePort you can easily extract data from tables into Excel, store comprehensive notes and create personalised collections of PDF pages saving you time and money.
Use your valuable time analysing not searching. OnePort will allow you to assess the impact of regulatory change and determine which issuers are early adopters and which issuers lagging behind.
Easily collect evidence for anaylsis and presentations with the comprehensive set of data management tools. Create collections of interest and download them as a single file.
OnePort is ideal for academic departments and enables PHD researchers to be authoritative and comprehensive and also research delisted issuers.
Search UK Top 100, 250, Small Cap, Fledgling, Main Market and AIM indices. You can also search Stockholm and JSE jurisdictions as well. Search by year, business sector, index and individual company.
OnePort is always up to date with many annual reports entering the search engine within hours of release. OnePort provides hit frequency per report and per page. Results are shown with hit highlighting in the browser.
Warning: OnePort is highly addictive! This is because users are often surprised and entertained by what they find. It can also retrieve very specific hard to find references.
The analytics package enables users to see trends and anomalies over specified year periods. Users can derive their own sets of 'hot' and 'cold' word groups and see the impact of those words in peer group anaylsis.
Zero hours, headwind, slavery, restatement, dividend, remuneration, gender, climate, brands, cash, mortality, brexit, debt, risk, materiality and so on. Our users can track words that we know are sensitive to investors and issuers alike.
Visual representation helps benchmarking and all charts can be downloaded to be included in users own presentations.
Users can add notes to PDF pages and archive them permanently for retrieval. They can thread the notes into personalised stories and navigation enabling to them to traverse this vast reporting landscape with ease.
You never have to forget where you saw something again. With so much information to collect and remember it is essential to keep track.
Uses can file pages of interest to personalised archives and compile those pages into a single PDF for easy download.
PortAlchemy has specialised in extracting data from PDF tables for 15 years and is now making some of that technology available to OnePort users. Users can find a table in any annual report, highlight that table and extract the data into an html table or Excel file.
OnePort has highly developed algorithms for wrapping orphaned rows and other procedures that can deal with PDF data extraction issues.
Users can also make use of our financial table styling AI that can identify thick and thin rules, and what labels should be bold.
If you would like a demonstration of OnePort please email us at info@portalchemy.com
© PortAlchemy 2022